Upper School Academics | The Dunham School, Baton Rouge, LA

Upper School ACADEMICS

Our high school program prepares students for success in college and career through academic rigor, athletics, arts, and leadership. For students seeking additional academic challenge, we offer honors courses in most subject areas, 25 Advanced Placement (AP)® courses, and five dual enrollment courses.




Dunham’s English department aims to produce graduates who can understand, appreciate, and respond to all types of literary works from a Christian worldview. Students become accomplished in the many facets of the English language through extensive grammar instruction, varied writing opportunities, and extensive literary analysis. Our students read, analyze, discuss, and respond to all sorts of writings from the canon of Western classical literature as well as non-western literature and thought. Through the use of the Harkness method and other classroom discussion techniques, students develop their critical reasoning and rhetorical skills as they discuss literary works from varied genres. Students are expected to research and write well-organized and articulate arguments that define and defend a position on literary pieces as well as local and global issues. Upper School English courses include:
English I
English I Honors
English II
English II Honors
English III
English III Honors
English IV
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition


Graduates of Dunham’s mathematics department understand math as an expression of God’s order and wonder.  Students experience and work with mathematical concepts through a hands-on approach. Through the use of inquiry-based teaching styles, students ask questions and draw conclusions about mathematical concepts and practices. Through the use of a wide variety of technologies, students practice newly discovered skills with the goal of mastery in mathematical procedures. Students ultimately come to understand that the ability to reason, compute, and communicate mathematically are all highly valuable and useful skills. Through this approach, Dunham students are numerically literate, learn to think critically through problem solving, and apply math to real-life situations. Upper School mathematics courses include:
Algebra I
Algebra I Honors
Algebra II
Algebra II Honors
Geometry Honors
Precalculus Honors
Pre-AP Precalculus
Calculus Honors
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics*

*AP course taught through the Dunham Virtual Academy.

History & Global Studies
Dunham’s history department aims to produce graduates who see history as the story of God’s providence for us.  Students become geographically literate and able to write and speak about history critically and eloquently.  Through the use of primary source documents, the department aims to provide a platform from which history is learned and understood.  All history courses are designed to create an environment where students will not only recall historical facts, but also discuss historical and contextual significance.  Through the lens of a Christian worldview, students construct a complete historical understanding of the world through a spiraled approach to both Western and non-Western cultures.  Through this approach to studying history, Dunham students can begin to understand their place in a truly global future. Upper School History and Global Studies courses include:
American Government
European History
European History Honors
US History
World Civilizations
World Civilizations Honors
AP European History
AP US History
AP US Government and Politics


Science & STEM

Dunham’s science program aims to produce graduates who see the world as God’s creation and are equipped to understand the scientific workings of the world as we understand them from a Christian world-view.  Students become literate in the areas of earth, space, and natural sciences with specific and in-depth examination in the areas of chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering. Through an experiential approach, the department teaches scientific thinking and reasoning by using the tools of science in the classroom every day.  All science courses are designed to place emphasis on the scientific method of discovery and its application to real-world problems. Through this approach to studying science, Dunham graduates are prepared to practice science in any setting and able to apply their knowledge in both college and career. Upper School science courses include:
Anatomy & Physiology
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Intro to Engineering
Physical Science
Physical Science Honors
Physics Honors
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Computer Science A*
AP Computer Science Principles*
AP Physics C

*AP course taught through the Dunham Virtual Academy.


The Bible department stands at the heart of the educational mission of our school as we strive to educate the mind and the heart for Christ. Dunham’s Bible department aims to produce graduates who see the world and events that transpire in it with God as the divine creator and ultimate authority. Dunham students will become Biblically literate through the study of both the Old and New Testaments.  As an interdenominational school, Bible at Dunham is taught from a perspective of unity, emphasizing what we share in Christ, and not what separates us denominationally.  All Bible classes are designed to create an environment where students can explore Biblical truth and discuss its application in the world today.  Through this approach, the student is encouraged to reason through scripture and develop their worldview in a safe environment.  As in all humanities classes at Dunham, the Harkness method of instruction is used to facilitate discussion in class, ensuring that all students’ voices are heard as students probe scripture. Upper School religion courses include:
Christian Dicipleship
Religion I
Religion II
Religion III
Religion IV
Works of C.S. Lewis

World Languages

Dunham’s World Language Department aims to produce graduates who have attained proficiency in a second language. Through a graduated approach to an immersion classroom setting, students experience and practice a variety of communications skills daily.  Specific emphasis is placed on vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.  Students also become culturally literate in their chosen language in order to recognize and appreciate a cultural worldview that is different from their own. Through this approach, we believe Dunham students gain broader education and are better prepared for the collegiate and global work environments. World Language offerings include:
AP Chinese*
French I
French II
French II Honors
French III Honors
French IV Honors
French V Honors
AP French
Latin I
Latin II
Latin III Honors
Latin IV Honors
AP Latin
Spanish I
Spanish II
Spanish II Honors
Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV Honors
AP Spanish Language

*AP course taught through the Dunham Virtual Academy.

Fine Arts

The Dunham Fine Arts Department aims to produce graduates who can understand, appreciate, and respond to all types of fine art from a Christian worldview. By exploring the history of art and the varying disciplines within the fine arts arena (art, band, choir, dance, or theatre), students gain a richer and fuller educational experience.  Through technical instruction, daily practice, and performances and competitions, students refine their skills in their chosen area of interest.  The department seeks to provide opportunities for students to collaborate and create art in its many forms that can be shared with not only the Dunham community, but also with the greater community. Upper School arts courses include:
Art I
Art II
Choir I
Choir II Honors
Cardinal & Silver Band
Dance I
Dance II Honors
Digital Art
Graphic Arts
Theatre I
Theatre II Honors
Traditional Art
Worship Through Music
AP Studio Art: Drawing & Painting
AP Studio Art: 2D Design
AP Studio Art: 3D Design


Computer Literacy
Computer Science I
Creative Writing
Digital Innovation
Life Skills
Logic and Test Prep
Physical Education
Strength & Conditioning
AP Computer Science A*
AP Computer Science Principles*
AP Macroeconomics*
AP Microeconomics*
AP Psychology*

*AP course taught through the Dunham Virtual Academy

Dual Enrollment

Through a partnership with Louisiana State University, our Dual Enrollment program allows Upper School students to earn college credits through courses taught at Dunham. The content of these courses is rigorous and follows a curriculum governed by the colleges and universities granting credit. 

Upon the successful completion of Dual Enrollment courses, students may be eligible to receive the equivalent credit hours at most accredited colleges and universities. Courses offered include:
Math 1021 (College Algebra); 3 credit hours
Math 1022 (College Trigonometry); 3 credit hours
Math 1530 (Differential Calculus); 5 credit hours
Math 1540 (Integral Calculus); 5 credit hours

Advanced Placement®

We offer 25 Advanced Placement courses for students who are ready to tackle the challenge of college-level work. Each rigorous course culminates with a comprehensive exam in May. Strong performance on these exams may result in college credit for that subject. Created by the College Board, the AP program is recognized far and wide as a standard of excellence in education. AP offerings include:
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Chinese*
AP Computer Science A*
AP Computer Science Principles*
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP European History
AP French
AP US Government and Politics
AP US History
AP Latin
AP Macroeconomics*
AP Microeconomics*
AP Physics C
AP Psychology*
AP Spanish Language
AP Statistics*
AP Studio Art: Drawing & Painting
AP Studio Art: 2D Design
AP Studio Art: 3D Design

*AP course taught through the Dunham Virtual Academy.