House System | The Dunham School, Baton Rouge, LA

The house system

A favorite tradition in Middle School is the House System where every student is assigned to one of four houses named after four of the school's founding families—Koch, Love, Michaelson, and Tabb.  Younger siblings are considered “legacies” and belong to the same house as their older siblings. Throughout their time in Middle School, students remain in the same house and work together to earn house points.

Each house is identified by a distinctive tartan plaid and is led by two eighth grade co-captains, one boy and one girl. House points can be earned in various ways, including making the Honor Roll or Dean’s list or participating in arts, athletics, house competitions, and Field Day. In May, the house with the most points claims the coveted Snoddy House Cup, named for the school’s fifth founding family. 


Dunham Middle School House Captain holding the House CupHero Banner 2


Each Middle School faculty member also belongs to one of the four houses and may award points at any time in keeping the division’s core belief that each student has unique gifts that are waiting to be recognized by teachers and peers. In addition to building cohesion and a strong sense of community, the House System allows for interaction between older and younger students and the development of leadership skills.


We're the only school in Baton Rouge that has a House System. It's a way to connect with students in other grades and compete with our friends in a fun way to earn house points.