Strategic Plan | The Dunham School, Baton Rouge, LA

strategic plan

As we celebrate more than 40 years of The Dunham School, we look back on God’s faithfulness in establishing and sustaining our school and look forward to His promise for our future.

The 2021-2026 Strategic Plan was finalized after a year of prayerful reflection and careful analysis of parent surveys and stakeholder feedback. We hope you will join us on our journey to chart the school’s path for the next 40 years.



  • Refurbishment of the Quest Center
  • Completion of Phase 2 of the Randall-Carpenter Science Center
  • Upgrades to the Lower School Playground
  • Installation of artificial turf and lighting at the practice football field and permanent restrooms at the Dunham Stadium.
  • Expansion of the Rollins Family Dining Hall with addition of brick facade
  • School store, coffee shop, and brick facade added to the Middle School Gym
  • Updated Lower School carpool area
  • New landscaping and drainage; additional covered walkways; and estate fencing around campus
  • Removal of all temporary buildings 



Financial Sustainability

To establish the school as a secure and well-funded fiscal entity that can weather financial challenges and become self-sustaining, we will:

  • Shift the focus on Annual Giving to provide operational support to cover unexpected circumstances or aspirational program enhancements as well as faculty professional development, need-based financial assistance, and scholarship dollars for future fiscal years;
  • Establish a cash reserve of $2,000,000 by 2025;
  • Reduce debt service of 2.5% of operating expenses and eliminate all school debt within 10 years
  • Add a legacy society for planned and estate giving.
Faculty Support and Professional Development

To ensure our faculty’s continued ability to deliver an exceptional education through a curriculum that reflect a Christian Worldview and prepares our students to lead in an ever-changing world, we will:

  • Further develop the Christian education of our faculty through a deeper understanding of the school’s founding principles and mission
  • Ensure that our curriculum is relevant and cohesive, incorporates future-ready skills, and has real-world, practical applications;
  • Increase our ability to hire and retain the most qualified, skilled and dynamic faculty through competitive salaries and benefits and access to professional development funded through philanthropic gifts;
  • Train the faculty on the benefits, relevance, and execution of the Harkness method and promote that unique pedagogy to the broader community.
Program Expansion

To ensure the future advancement of the school’s mission through the addition of programs that further meet the needs of students and parents and grow the school’s sphere of influence and market share, we will:

  • Increase faculty access to cutting-edge technology and expand the technical expertise of our staff, teachers, and students;
  • Establish and Early Learning Center to serve the two- and three-year-old groups;
  • Expand the Dunham Virtual Academy to admit non-traditional students who prefer online learning and a flexible approach to school.
Facility Updates and Improvements

To update and maintain a pristine, aesthetically pleasing and highly functional campus, we will:

  • Update the Campus Master Plan;
  • Update landscaping and drainage;
  • Refurbish the Quest Center;
  • Complete additional campus security measures, including auditory alert system improvements, security cameras, a school security app, and communication upgrades;
  • Add alumni bricks and student seating areas to the front circle;
  • Add estate fencing around campus for privacy and security;
  • Add covered walkways a new Lower School carpool area;
  • Remove the last temporary building from campus;
  • Removall all small storage buildings
New Building and Capital Projects

To develop and execute a comprehensive plan to fund the future growth and development of the school’s campus and facilities, we will:

  • Establish a development office capable of effectively devising and executing strategy in multiple giving areas across different constituent groups;
  • Add new facilities fully funded by giving in a sequential manner to ensure the school’s ability to provide excellence in the areas of academics, arts, athletics, and student support;
  • Consider a new $16,000,000 comprehensive campaign to secure, fund, and build for the future.



A Commitment from the Board

To ensure that the school remains focused on fulfilling the goals outlined in the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan in priority order, the Dunham Board of Trustees is committed to the following actions:

  • The Board will work to support the school in striving for excellence in Christian education.
  • The Board is committed to a balanced budget each year.
  • The Board will commit to debt reduction as a sustainability priority.
  • The Board will work to eliminate all school debt.
  • The Board will work to improve our campus facilities by a planned approach to campus maintenance and budgeted improvements.

*Thank you to those who provided insight and feedback during our strategic planning process.