40 & Forever | The Dunham School | Private PreK-12 | Baton Rouge, LA


The Dunham School was founded in 1981 with one mission–to educate the mind and the heart for Christ. 40 years later, that mission continues to guide us as we plan for the future.

We are excited to announce the launch of the 40 & Forever Campaign, a comprehensive $16,000,000 campaign that honors our past and helps secure our future. For more information or to get involved with the campaign, please contact Kelly DeRossette.




we're ready. are you?

Every contribution to the 40 & Forever Campaign will honor our past and secure the future of the Dunham School. Your participation in this campaign will ensure that we can serve students and their families for the next 40 years—and forever.


Campaign Funds
Cornerstone Fund: $5,500,000

The Cornerstone Fund has been established to assist in the elimination of debt to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of The Dunham School.
Donations Benefit:

  • a $5.5 million in debt reduction, which cuts the school's debt liability by half
  • an increased pace to pay off debt
  • a reduction of annual debt payments, resulting in $700,000 in freed yearly revenue
  • a plan to eliminate debt within 10 years
  • an alleviation of pressure on the current operating budget
  • additional resources to be used to advance the school's mission
  • a competitive tuition structure.
Capital Building & Campus Improvements: $4,500,000

The Capital Building and Campus Improvement Fund will help ensure that our facilities reflect the excellence of our academic program and assist in the implementation of Phase I of the 15-year campus master plan.
Donations benefit:

  • upgrades to the Lower School Playground **Construction Completed**
  • the installation of lighting and artificial turf on the PE and athletic practice field
  • an expansion of the Rollins Family Dining Hall and exterior enhancements to Chapel Hall
  • the completion of Phase II of the Carpenter-Randall Science Center **Funding Completed**
  • renovations to the Dunham Stadium, including entrance, concessions, restrooms, and lighting
The Dunham Fund: $4,000,000

The Dunham Fund provides annual support for the school's operational needs as well as increased funding for faculty support and development, program enhancements, scholarships and tuition assistance, and campus improvements.
Donations benefit:

  • faculty salary increases
  • professional development opportunities
  • merit-based scholarships and tuition assistance awards
  • technology and communication upgrades
  • the expansion of the Dunham Virtual Academy
  • small campus improvements, including landscaping, drainage, and covered walkways
  • funding for unforeseen expenses that occur during the school year

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Scholarship Endowment Fund: $500,000

The Scholarship Endowment Fund will allow the school to offer more merit-based scholarships and tuition assistance awards to qualifying students.
Donations benefit:

  • current and future students
  • financial assistance and scholarship funds

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Dunham Legacy Society: $1,000,000

The Dunham Legacy Society was established in 2020 to provide opportunities for donors to make a planned gift that will have a lasting impact on future generations of students and help secure the school's fiscal sustainability.
Planned gift options include:

  • Bequests
  • Charitable lead or Charitable Remainder Trust
  • IRA or other retirement plans
  • Life insurance
  • Real estate or tangible property
  • Gift annuities

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40 & forever
