College Placement

PRepared to excel

Because we believe that the best college is the one that is the best fit for each student, our college placement program is individualized to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career aspirations.

Seventh grade academic planning meetings chart a course for the next six years, with an eye towards college admissions. College counseling continues in Upper School through one-on-one meetings, information sessions with college reps, SAT and ACT test prep and advice, and assistance with applications, interviews, and scholarships.

One hundred percent of Dunham seniors gain acceptance to college, with many earning substantial merit scholarship offers. From Cornell, Duke, and LSU Honors College to Harvard, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, or West Point, Dunham graduates continue their educational journeys at some of the best schools across the country.

See a full list of Dunham School graduates college acceptances.



Dunham provided me with the resources not only to get into a great college, but to find the one that was the best fit for me. 

Becket Pricer '21


Ready to Call on Baton Rouge?

Each year, the College Placement Office is pleased to welcome a number of college admissions representatives to campus each year to meet with students and share information about their respective colleges and universities. College admissions representatives who would like to visit Dunham should connect via the Counselor Community.  Our students look forward to meeting you!

College Representatives Visit Dunham


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